Although every baby is beautifully unique, the vast majority of infants go through the same thing as they grow—teething. For most, this process involves discomfort for both the baby and parents. Fortunately, at Barefield Pediatric Dentistry, we have experts who can help you navigate through this stage of your little one’s development. We can give you tips for handling teething situations and make sure your baby’s new teeth stay healthy and strong. If you’re in need of guidance from one of our children’s dentist in Duncanville, request an appointment today!
At birth, your baby already has their 20 primary teeth developed underneath the gums. Usually when they reach around 6 months old, their first tooth pushes and penetrates through the soft tissue. No wonder teething babies can be fussy and irritable! By the time your little one gets to their third birthday, all their baby teeth will likely have erupted.
Although your child will likely not be able to tell you directly what is going on, babies usually show some clear signs that they’re teething. Other than fussiness, symptoms of teething include the following:
As a parent, you would do anything to soothe your baby when they’re in pain. The good news is that you can relieve some of their discomfort in simple ways:
With many board-certified pediatric dentists on our staff, Barefield Pediatric Dentistry is particularly poised to lend a helping hand during this challenging process. Not only can we check to make sure their baby teeth are cavity free, we can provide you with insights and guidance to get you both through this phase. Trust our experienced, skilled experts, who can advise you on what products are safe for your child and what symptoms are normal, so that you and your little one can keep smiling.